Cereal box top book report 3rd grade 2

See more ideas about book report projects, 3rd grade reading and reading projects. My favorite part is the character ingredient list and the special prize. Assign or have students choose a biographyhow examples. Students will decorate a real cereal box with illustrations and information related to the book they read using the directions below. Setting is described correctly using details taken from book. Cereal box book project minneapolis public schools. Stack the paper bags on top of each other, fold them in half, and staple. The cereal box book report is part of the following bundle. Cereal box project examples this is a reminder that the general fiction cereal box project is due tuesday, november 30th. Paradises class cereal box book report commercials part 2. The first will be a cereal box project and the second part will be a class presentation in the form of a commercial for their cereal. Students may choose the option on this book report template that best suits their learning style and personality.

Students love this creative cereal box book report and it is a great way to recyclereuse cereal boxes too. Students will read a fiction or non fiction and create a book report using a cereal box. Neatly wrapping it like a present is a good approach. Have them glue the title and author section to the top of the box, the brief summary on one side. The details for both are attached and the final product will be due. My students had so much fun completing their book report out of a. The book report for the months of november and december will be 2 parts. Cereal box book report directions students will decorate an empty cereal box with illustrations and information related to one of the sunshine state books they read using the directions below. The student has attempted to include information of the title author not complete. Cereal box book report packet home sankofa freedom. Use a piece of white or light colored paper to cover the front of your cereal box. This creative book report idea has templates, rubrics, graphic organizers, writing activities, and awards. The following samples of work have been on display in the classroom as helpful examples of what a high quality project might look like.

You will create a cereal box based on the book you chose using an empty cereal box. Use the front of the box of a picture, one side of the box for a summary, the other for the students critique of the book, the back for all of the story elements. Displaying all worksheets related to cereal book report. Cereal box project examples book report templates, book. With vibrant pictures of student work, a presentation guides young readers through the steps of a cereal box book report. Use this creative writing project as an inspiring and engaging activity for gifted students. Summary using the material recorded on your information sheet. Each illustrated bracelet charm captures a character, an event in the plot, setting, or other detail. Please look through the photos for guidance to complete the project. Worksheets are 4th grade book report please select a fiction book as the, tuck everlasting bookfiles guide pdf, my magnificent book report, 1st and 2nd grade summer reading book report form, a reading guide to sarah plainand tall, author characters title, activity booklet, digital lesson. If you are not able to find a cereal box, please let me know. This book report project is a lowtech version of a television made from a cereal box and two paper towel. Cereal box book report perfect for all fiction books. These are great for first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade students reading comprehension.

Langhals 3rd grade cereal box book report this week, we begin an exciting adventure. Its up to you to select the books and projects you will share with the class. Students can cover boxes with construction paper or bulletin board paper. Your cereal box boo k report and commercialoral presentation is due tuesday, nov ember 16, 201 0 all th e templat es for this cereal box book r epor t will be availa ble to. Author spotlight is visible and clear and includes 3 interesting facts.

Displaying all worksheets related to the cereal box. Think of a name for your new cereal that is closely related to your book. Third grade book projects home christ the king school. As your 1st grader is reading more and more complex books, story lines, and rich vocabulary it is important to ensure they are understanding what they are reading.

Draw, color, and decorate the cover page for the front of your cereal box. Includes directions, grading rubric and sample photos. English language arts, specialty, for all subject areas. Over the next month, your child will be expected to read a selfselected book and create a cereal box book report at home. Make sure kids are understanding what they read with these free book report template. Displaying top 8 worksheets found for cereal and grain. These preprinted boxes make a fun and familiar cerealbox bookreport project simple.

Animals, realistic fiction, nonfiction, biography, mystery, or fantasy. Cereal box book report reading project idea for the back puzzle best free. Cereal box book report reading project idea for the back puzzle best. Paradises class prepared book reports on cereal boxes. Students will read the book in its entirety and complete the information sheet, located in this packet. Third grade book projects this year, you will be expected to read and do projects for four books. Worksheets are digital lesson, dividing fractions 1, name centimeters and millimeters.

Some of the worksheets for this concept are whole grains activity suggestions, identifying cereal sugar limits, make half your grains whole work of the, cereal and serial, how to identify creditable grains in the child and adult, grains, whole grains made easy, adding whole grains to your child and adult care food. Top favorite part, right sidecharacters, left sidesetting. The box must be covered with a light colored construction paper, decorated based on the book, and include an artifact that they may make based on the story free rubric builder and assessment tools. Cereal box project examples with images cereal box book report. This format offers you detailed guide about how you can decorate and organize your book report in the best way. Cereal box book report template best of cereal box book reports steven noyes grade document template example this is a very fun activity for my class. Here are 22 creative book report ideas designed to make reading more meaningful. Cereal box book report directions san antonio elementary.

Cover the entire box with a large sheet of white or lightcolored paper. If you choose a book to use from home, then you can start before next week. Students pick a fictional book and design a cereal based on it. Cereal box book report by kristina lovell teachers pay. Over the next several weeks, students will read their selfselected book and create a cereal box book report at home.

The cereal box book report is a unique way to present a novel creatively. Cereal box book report the book report for the months of november and december will be 2 parts. Top of box includes the title, author, page numbers and number of stars for the book. Please wash your hands and practise social distancing. Notice that the entire box has been covered so that the original cereal is not apparent. Kids use the boxes to list the title, summary, characters, and setting of their books. Third grade cereal box book report cereal box book. Use a piece of white or light colored paper to cover the. Book report cereal box biography by rockin resources tpt. Printable book report templates are great for elementary students.

Give each student a copy of the cereal box book report reproducible pages. Nov 2, 2019 the charming cereal box book report template 3 image below, is part of cereal box book report template writeup which is classified within report template, cereal box book report 4th grade, cereal box book report 6th grade, cereal box book report 7th grade, cereal box book report back of box, cereal box book report c. Creatively engage students in literature with cerealbox book reports. Anjolene martin3rd grade reading lots of different book report ideas, including the cereal box template that. Write the name of the cereal, date of ad at bottom, and the price on yellow paper. Center grove community school corporation center grove elementary school. Think about something you want to learn more about. Paradises class cereal box book report commercials. Get this cereal box book report sample downloaded which consists of a perfect cereal box designed at the top left corner. Ive made 6 different templates that you can choose from to have students use for their book report. The guide offers creative, standardsbased presentation ideas and a rubric.

Students love this cereal box book report template. See more ideas about book report projects, book projects and book report templates. In this book report lesson plan, students cover the outer parts of a cereal box representing a book they red. Students learn how to make a cool cereal box book report for fiction, nonfiction, and biographies with this diy book report packet. Cereal box book report 3rd grade minions, cereal, books, projects, livros. Home finance report template cereal box book report template cereal box book report template 2. The top of the box should contain a theme statement that the student created. The mystery book report is due on october 30, 2014 click here for the directions for the october report novemberdecember cereal box report for the novemberdecember book report the students will be creating a cereal box book report. Free cereal box book report template doc 60kb 4 page. Students do not have to be finished with the book to begin working on this project.

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